We hire, train and manage your own full time listings prospector

Secure your assistant whose entire job is to find you new clients.
36 prospects
A heavy pipeline
The average number of homeowners per month who tell they’dlike to speak with you about assisting them in buying or selling a property.
45 days
Quick results
The average amount of time it takes an agent to securetheir first listing agreement.
Our clients love us
Convert Wire’s industry-best client retention rate.
Step 1

We hire, train and manage your own full time cold caller

This is Anna. Anna has been with our company for 2 years and is one of our 70+ full time callers

per week
per Day
  • How we match you with your full time caller
  • We go through extensive interviews to find a caller with 5+ years of real estate experience.
  • Your ISA goes through a 10-14 day training course. During this time they shadow our top 1% performing callers for over 40 hours.
  • We launch with your caller. Your caller has a full time manager who helps them daily and does weekly trainings.
types of
Step 2

We find homeowners likely to sell

We start by determining likely sellers based off 20+ factors including financial & credit history, recent deaths in family, divorces and more.
"Syncing sales with inventory was so smooth with Unicorns. No more gaps between sales and merchandise while dealing with prospective leads."
-Rudra Ghosh, CEO, Vermillion
Step 3

Your employee prospects over the phone as their full time job

What we look for in each prospect..
1. Clear motivation for selling or buying
2. Timeframe of 12 months or less
3. Not working with another agent
4. Open to listing property on the market
5. Scheduled follow-up or appointment

Our packages are meant to fit your budget

Part-Time Caller

Ideal for agents just starting out

What’s Included:

4 hours of calling per day M-F

~15-22 exclusive, qualified prospects per month

CRM integration, text and email alerts, Convert Wire dashboard

Dedicated account manager

Backup caller available in case of absence

Exclusive territory access

Specialized data source

Full-Time Caller

Ideal for established agents looking to build their business

What’s Included:

8 hours of calling per day M-F

~30-45 exclusive, qualified prospects per month

CRM integration, text and email lead alerts, Convert Wire dashboard

Dedicated account manager

Backup caller available in case of absence

Exclusive territory access

Specialized data source

2 Full-Time Callers

Ideal for growing teams or brokerages

What’s Included:

16 hours of calling per day M-F

~60-90 exclusive, qualified prospects per month

CRM integration, text and email alerts, Convert Wire dashboard

Dedicated account manager

Backup caller available in case of absence

Exclusive territory access

Specialized data source

Speak with Sales for pricing

Can I split the bill with a lender?
Absolutely! We work with many successful agent-lender partnerships.
Are there any contracts?
We only require that you give us a 30 day cancellation notice.

Our 4 Step Setup

Recruit your full time employee

We start by recruiting your own personal full time cold caller. We only accept applicants who have 5 years of experience cold calling in the real estate industry.

Find Likely Sellers

We start by determining likely sellers based off 20+ factors including financial & credit history, recent deaths in family, divorces and more.

We pull phone numbers for all likely sellers

We take all the likely sellers we pulled and append their phone numbers so we can start calling them.
Learn more

We begin calling for you

Around a week after signing up, we will have all things in place and will begin calling 8 hours a day for you.

Manage all your tasks in one sleek dashboard

Our story of growth

We now talk to and qualify every lead

Convert Wire was born from the success we saw in-house at the brokerage level. In 2018, we began taking on outside clients and running advertising campaigns with the sole mission of helping agents build their businesses by getting them listings. And while we had happy customers and produced results, we were often discouraged by negative feedback we received from our leads.
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“I’m not actually looking to sell, I just wanted to know the value of my home.”

“I’m probably going to be doing something a few years down the line but definitely not now. Thanks!”

“I don’t even own this home and I don’t know who you are!”

It’s not what we were looking for and it’s not what our online advertising campaigns were designed to attract. We were stumped.

We finally came to the following conclusion: If we want to make sure that we're connecting our agents with real prospects, people they actually have a shot at working with, we first need to get these folks on the phone and have a thorough conversation with them ourselves. We need to actually qualify them, not just gage their legitimacy by a few buttons they clicked on the internet.

So, we scrapped our online advertising campaigns, completely shut shop on all we were doing at the time, and reallocated our focus and investment into building out a team of professional callers who were experts at finding, qualifying, and connecting our agents with legitimate prospects...

Fast forward to today and we work in all 50 states doing just that: introducing our clients to people who are happy to speak with them and need their help.

If our story resonates with you and this sounds like something you could benefit from, we’d love to meet you to discuss working together. Book a call with our founder, Jack Sory, here.

"Convert Wire has become one of the fundamental components of my business."

Blake's team sold more than 600 homes in 2021 alone.

Blake Cory, Temecula CA
EXP Realty

Visit Blake's Zillow

Blake sold 18 listings with Convert Wire in 2021 as well as assisted countless others in purchasing a home.

"Convert Wire is my primary source for listing generation"

Lisa runs a team in Florida and sold over 100 homes in 2021 in the Cape Coral and Fort Meyers markets
Watch Video

Over 100K in closed commissions in 2021. Been with Convert Wire for over two years.

Joyce is a real estate broker in Seattle, Washington.
Watch Video

Two years in and going strong

Peter has been with Convert Wire going on two years and uses us as his primary source for listings.
Watch Video
"You're providing sellers who are looking to sell in the near term."
Peter S, New York

Data Integration

Sync systems and departments so you no longer have to wait for numbers

Daily Task Management

Prioritize and plan out your time based on shifting business needs


Communicate with your team right on your dashboard to avoid crossed wires and lost emails

Frequently Asked Questions

Still feeling unsure? More questions? These might help!
What do I get with the free trial?
We provide 3 hours of prospecting in the free trial. Whatever comes through during this period is what you receive.
How am I eligible for a free trial?
To be eligible for the free trial you must sell at least 20 homes per year.
Are there any contracts?
We only require that you give us a 30 day cancellation notice.
Can I upgrade my plan after signing up?
You can upgrade your plan at anytime.
Is there a setup fee?
There is a one time setup fee of $500 split between you and your lender.
Do you offer referral programs?
Unfortunately our service is extremely labor intensive making it almost impossible to offer leads on a referral basis.

Workflow management made super simple

Set and track organization to individual-level goals
Monitor timelines and match them against departments
View all your data in one place at the same time
Make real-time decisions
Start Your Free Trial
Set and track organization to individual-level goals
Monitor timelines and match them against departments
View all your data in one place at the same time
Make real-time decisions
Start Your Free Trial
Call Recordings

Listen to a few calls that have turned into listings

Listen to recording
Listen to recording
Listen to recording
Listen to recording
Listen to recording
Listen to recording

Here's what our customers say

"I can't believe how much easier Unicorns made our lives. We're saving so much time with their automated tracking!"
-Rudra Ghosh
CEO, Vermillion
"Our customer service rating has improved so much ever since we adopted Unicorns. The smooth integrations and easy tracking system has shortened ticket response times considerably."
-Pritom Rani
VP Sales, Cobalt
132 user rating
132 user rating
132 user rating
132 user rating

Seamless integration with all your favorite tools

We do the tracking so you don't have to waste time manually logging data.
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